Friday, 11 May 2012

Coping with disappointment

The thing with sports is – there is always a loser.  That’s part of the reason that I love it so….  Sure, there is a winner aswell – and life is better with a win – but losing is part of what makes sport great.  The knowledge that if you don’t win – then you lose……  The thought of wanting NOT to lose spurring you on just as much as wanting to win…  I even know folk who would rather their opponent lost that they win….  Losing – and the fear of it is a powerful driver…

It’s so complete – YOU LOST!!  It does not happen so much in other walks of life….  IN business – everyone can win, no one has to lose (although there are plenty of losers across the business spectrum for sure), in arts – it’s more about opinion – someone’s winner is someone’s else loser – there is no certainty that YOU LOST!!!