Scottish football club, Heart of Midlothian, are relatively infamous for being a club that has faced a wide and large number of issues over the past few years.... They court publicity (deliberately and accidentally) on a random and regular basis... Life with the ‘Hearts’ is nothing if not newsworthy....
So there was no real surprise to see a recent club statement that was probably germinated in good intention with real plans to provide the club with real benefit, but instead just resulted in a swathe of head scratching / giggling / or plain “now what are they doing to my club” reactions (have a read here and you will understand why).

TV (and internet) phenom that is “When Animals Attack” shows us that the human race’s base functions remain. We like to watch brutality / we like to see ‘bad things’ happen. When animals attack - someone gets hurt (often the animal), blood is spilled (again the animal can “lose some”) - and we watch on - transfixed by the spectacle / enjoying what we see in a “I should not be enjoying this” way and generally horrified that we have not moved on.....
So it is with one of the ‘big cats’ of the sporting world - the owner. They own the club, they pay the bills (most of the time), and they make the big (and often the small - #pleaseletusgetonwithit) decisions...... And when they make decisions that ‘attack’ at the very clubs they own - the outside world looking in cannot fail to enjoy the experience (though we are glad to do not work for / support those clubs).
Owners are at the top of the Club’s pyramid - and it is a fair maxim to say that the culture of any club is hugely likely to be fashioned in their guise (#exceptionswillonlyprovetherule). It’s a great position to be in if you are the owner - your decisions / your personality will out. You have earned the right for sure (we hope).
For sports execs - the owner is a hugely important relationship to manage. Without their support, you are on thin ice. Too much consultation and you are likely to be micro-managed, not enough and you could find yourself staring ‘down the barrell’. And each owner will have their owns demands - so it is far from an exact science.
The good ones are like gold-dust and (as will come as something less than a surprise) generally are producing clubs that produce good results. (Note - this does not mean all good clubs are owned by good owners - it is not that simple). But no matter what, make sure you do your groundwork, make sure you know what buttons to press and make sure you don’t suffer an attack!!!
1 comment:
"This does not mean all good clubs are owned by good owners - it is not that simple."
Now that's a very good comment!
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