With the news that the NFL lockout is over and the season will go ahead ‘unaffected’, spare a thought for the staff who weren’t locked out, the ones who have been ploughing ahead regardless getting ready for the season to start. (Spare even more of a thought for the 300 or so NBA employees who have recently been ‘culled’ in advance of a more likely more impactful Lockout).
Whilst there must have been an assumption that the season ‘would’ go ahead - life must have been tough for the back office staff.
Now the season is ‘go, go, go’ - there will be many loose ends to get cracking on, many issues to tidy up. The back office team will have to act like a ‘team’, and perform wonders together as ‘players’ to deliver. Check out the perfect team below......
Quarterback - the on (off) pitch leader - this guy/gal is obviously the CEO/General Manager in our back office team. Pulling the strings - managing the assets - advising other ‘players’ of their duties and responsibilities. Get a good one and you are well set.... get a bad one and your team is going to struggle.....
Wide Receivers - the Marketing team. These guys head where the Quarterback will send them (though sometimes there is scope for some creative running lines). There are a range of options available to the QB (online / offline / above the line / under the line) and the QB can choose to go with whatever strategies are demanded by the situation. The Marketing guys can generate a big hit for you and are more than likely to generate the big splash..... Need a huge win?? Go for the Hail Mary and get everyone involved on a big play!
Running Backs - these are the attacking guys who have to bash the hard yards out play after play, game after game. Equally your Sales team will need to keep knocking on doors, following up leads day after day, call after call. Generally small gains will be seen but from time to time you might get a big win (with a huge run downfield). More than likely this will need to be well planned for/blocked....
Offensive Tackle/Guards - the Media/PR team need to be multi faceted - hence taking on the roles of both the tackles and guards in the offensive line. They need to support the big plays made by the sales and marketing guys to help generate greater success, they need to block attempts made by outside forces to affect your work. Every now and again they might get the recognition their work deserves, but most of the time they are there to help the WR and RB look good.....
Centre - this lot do exactly what it says on the tin - they are at the centre of your operations and everything will start with them. Your Community staff should be where your decisions start from. How will your community react to the work you are doing? If your work is not having a positive impact on (and with the help if your community staff) the community - then why are you doing it.
Finally - the Tight Ends - these guys need to be rounded, need to have eyes looking both inward (receiving calls) and outward (pro-active selling) - to either block or receive on the play. The Ticket office is your Tight end - and they need to be ready for just about anything (customers have some pretty strange requests). Keep an eye on the ball, on the quarterback, on where you wide receivers are going with their marketing plans - these guys need to be multi-faceted and the best ones are....
And there you go - that’s your offensive line....

Missing anyone??
Well - the special teams should be seen only at pre planned times, should only be needed in ‘special’ circumstances. You should not have the special teams taking part in the general play.... Who can these guys be?? The owners of course....!! Let your team deal with the hard yards, and the owners can make their special plays when needed....
........ And now that the Lockout has ended - you can all get on with your job.....
NOTE - this blog was brought to you in its original ‘American football’ format. A revised British version is available for Premium subscribers only (Manager = Quarterback, Goalkeeper = Centre, Wingers = Wide Receivers etc). Contact your local Sales rep for further details....
Follow Nic on Twitter - @Nic_Cartwright
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